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Wednesday 28 January 2015

The Ever-Growing World of Bloggers

Recently in my course, we had a lecture and seminar by marketer Mark Brill, who introduced us to the power of social media, and the influence this has on the fashion industry. This is something I personally found fascinating, and actually happen to be choosing to research in my next assignment. More specifically, I'll be researching and writing about blogging, and the increasing influence that bloggers, such as Zoella, PointlessBlog, Tanya Burr and BeautyCrush (just to name a few) have on young women, such as myself. 

Blogging has been going on now for more than a decade, and in recent years has totally blown up, with 'normal' girls suddenly turning into celebrities, and having higher esteem than (oddly) most journalists within the fashion industry, even having preview fashion shows just for bloggers! For me, I find it fascinating how young girls can suddenly be more famous than models and writers, and how they have more influence to what and where people buy fashion than fashion magazines and websites. 

One of the main examples of this, as I'm sure you're aware (and if not you will be soon), is Zoella. She seems to be literally everywhere at the minute, having released her own novel, and her own beauty range. As a fashion and make-up lover myself, I've been following her blog and YouTube channel for a number of years, as well as other names within the blogging world such as Fleur (FleurDeForce), Sammi (Beautycrush) and Tanya (Tanya Burr). 

Now for those of you who aren't into the world of blogging and 'vlogging', I'm sure you aren't really captivated by this post, but the thing is, these girls are becoming famous celebrities, and can't be ignored. Whenever they go out, they're mobbed by fans asking for photos and autographs, and they even have events specifically tailored for bloggers to meet their fans, such as AmityFest and DigiFest. 

In terms of Zoella, she now has the 59th most subscribed YouTube channel in the world, with over 7 million subscribers, and more Instagram followers than Cara Delevinge, one of the most iconic high fashion models in the world. I personally find this quite amazing seeing as Zoella doesn't have any particular talent or skill, such as being a make-up artist or fashion designer, she's simply a young girl who blogs and vlogs, but who's become so popular due to being relateable to girls all over the world. Her videos, which focus on beauty and lifestyle, all have over 1 million views, within a week, and in 2014 she was the most searched for person on the internet!

So, all in all, blogging and vlogging is now becoming one of the most sought after career goals for young girls, who want to be famous for doing pretty much nothing apart from recording a video of themselves talking about make-up and clothes. It's a concept I find slightly odd but also really interesting, and in my opinion, will only continue to grow within the next few years. 

I hope you found this post thought provoking, as it's quite a hot topic within the fashion and celebrity industries. 


Monday 26 January 2015

Monday Musings; My Spiritual Home

Hello, welcome to my blog and thank you for coming along for a read. 

Now I know most people usually start off with one of those introductory posts, talking about them and what they aim to get out of blogging, well frankly I find those boring and cliché... 
So I'd rather get straight into the blog with my first post, but if you would like to learn a little about me, my name is Chloe, I'm an 18 year old fashion marketing student studying in Nottingham, and originally from Sheffield. It's really northern and un-glamorous, something not all that attractive for your average bloggers usually from London with fabulous fashion sense and a knack for writing. But, please, if you can get past all that, I'm hoping you'll enjoy my blog anyway, so let's get on with the show. 

A few weeks ago, at the beginning of January, I was lucky enough to get the opportunity to go to New York with my university course, and I have to say it was probably the most amazing experience of my life. Now this is coming from someone who's been to France probably over 100 times in her life, and who went to Hawaii when she was younger, so it was pretty hard to beat in my books. 

But in short it was totally fabulous, and as you can see from the title I'm naming it my spiritual home, in the hope I can one day go back for either a holiday, or -of course- to live. 

This picture is from the day we went up the Empire State Building, and it was utterly stunning, I remember walking up to the huge lifts, ascending higher and higher until the top, the 86th floor. As we got out into the viewing area, I was completely lost for words, I was literally stood there gawping at the view, it had always been my dream to go to New York, and I can only say that it was mesmerising.

One of the things that amazed me, was that even though it was all commercialised buildings or expensive apartments fitted with the conference rooms and minimalistic furnishings, there was something oddly beautiful about it, almost perfectly imperfect. 

Everyone who says anything about the city is right, whether that be positive or negative: a historic, yet romantic place that never sleeps, and works harder and longer than anyone else in the world. It's fascinating and addictive and I never wanted to leave, there's enough sights to fill your time for a month, and enough food to satisfy even the hungriest of appetites. 

-the big apple stole my heart like no other-

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