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Sunday 17 May 2015

Kiehl's: More Than Meets the Eye

So before I start off this blog post, I'd just like to give a huge apology for not blogging this past month and a half, as I'm sure some of you can relate, it's that super stressful time at university and I've been drowning in work!

Talking of university, I wanted to talk about a brand I focused on for my last assignment, which was a brand book- a small book basically explaining the essence and personality of a brand we could choose. 
It was a really fun project and I enjoyed every minute of it. The brand I chose to focus on was Kiehl's, a historic skincare brand hailing from New York. 
I'm sure for those who have heard of the brand you'll know it's a luxurious, well loved brand for its great results and effective products, but for me that was all I knew, and I came to find out it really is a fascinating brand. 

Founded by John Kiehl in 1851, the company actually started out as a small apothecary, selling herbal remedies for minor illnesses, and a few select Kiehl's products. This then rocketed into selling a vast collection of amazing products, gaining them worldwide success and a hoard of loyal customers!

One part of the brand that grabbed my attention, is that around 40% of the brand's clientele is actually male, which is really rare to see in skincare brands, as the majority of brands are either solely focused on makes or females. 
This actually gave me a lot of respect for the brand, as not only do they cater for different skin types, for different ages, but they also cater for different genders, a very difficult thing to do successfully! 

Another point I found really interesting was how the brand markets themselves, and doing a marketing course this was an important feature to look into. 
Since the beginning, the brand has never physically marketed in terms of adverts, flyers or features in newspapers/magazines, something around 90% of the beauty industry ends to do. 

Instead they turn to their customers and let them do the marketing for them, a very risky move and something not many brands, if not any at all would consider. This is through the use of generous samples given with every purchase, and simply word of mouth recommendations. Also, another thing to notice is how detailed their product reviews are, they ask for the age, gender, and even skin concern of the customer, giving other a great advantage if doing a bit of research on a product!  

But I suppose this is why the brand has stood the test of time, and delivered really consistent products to loving customers. 

I would just like to point out that I am in no way being sponsored by the brand, I just wanted to share some interesting points from my assignment that I thought others would find interesting too!

Have you tried anything from Kiehl's? And would you like to?

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