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Monday 14 September 2015

The France Edit

Hi! Now i know I've not been a good blogger this past two months not posting anything, but I do have genuine reasons for this- firstly throughout July and August I took part in an internship at a menswear company in the buying section!
It was really interesting and I'm so glad that I've had some experience at seeing what a real company does in terms of buying and merchandising, some of things I learn about on my course at university! 

Then pretty much a few days after I went on holiday with family to the south of France, for the majority of August and mixing travelling with awful wifi left me leaving the blog blank for quite a while. All in all I'm sorry and I'm making a promise to myself to start making a real effort with this blog!

But I wanted to share some pictures I took from my travels around France, because the scenery and village markets were to die for!

I'd love to know what you thought of the photos, leave me a comment below!

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