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Monday 9 March 2015

Self Reflection

I haven't posted on my blog for a few weeks now, and in all honesty, I've been having what most would call a writers block. Honestly, I never thought I'd be one to experience this, mainly because I've never done anything like a blog before, it's all still new to me and I'm still finding it hard thinking of new and interesting things to write.

But for this post, I thought I'd just write a little about what we did in a seminar recently on my course, and I'd urge others to do this too.

Our lecturer called it BrandYOU, talking about the concept that we should analyse ourselves in the same way we would a brand. This means looking at our personalities, our essence, the very things that shape who we are, just how we would do to a brand we wanted to know more about, and I know it sounds a little stupid and almost philosophical, but it was actually a really interesting and surprisingly fun task to do. 

We first started off simply, by just giving some words to describe our personality, but trying to keep them positive and relevant. This is a great way of helping yourself discover what you might be good, or bad at. Another helpful tip is to do this task with a friend or family member- someone who knows you well, that way they might give you some answers you hadn't thought of. 

The second part was to describe what colour you'd be, and this was a little more difficult, as we had to be intuitive and think about the implications of what colour we had, matching this to our personality. For example, I picked mint green, as I associate green as being a calm, mellow colour something I know I am. Yet I picked the specifics of the mint because I felt that it was close to blue, and also yellow, I know I can occasionally be emotional and also happy the majority of the time, therefore leading me to pick a colour similar to blue, and yellow. 

Lastly, we had to choose an animal that represented our personality, again making sure we were being intuitive with our choice. This was a difficult one for me, as I didn't just want to pick a boring, cliché animal like a dog or lion, something that seemed popular. 

Although for me, I thought the concept and qualities of a dog was similar to how my personality is, I'm loyal and look after those in need, plus I love my family, that's when I thought of a Wolf. They're the same family as dogs, but are still loyal and enjoy being in a pack, just like I enjoyed being with family, they also don't like to travel too far away from their family, something I could relate to. 

So all in all, I'm sure you're wondering what this has to do with anything relevant in life, but its actually a fantastic way to market yourself for the future. Instead of thinking about the negatives, turn your personality into a positive outlook, for example, instead if saying that your'e an angry or confrontational person, turn it into confidence and not being afraid to speak your opinion, which is much more valued. 
By doing this task it also helps you to relate your personality to something more tangible, rather than simply thinking of the words in your head.

I understand this has been pretty rambly and not overly exciting, but its definitely something to thin bout, and if it made you think, then that's all that matters!



  1. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. Thank you so much! It really means a lot you took the time to read and enjoy my blog!
      Of course I'll follow you!
      Chloe xo


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