Fashion | Beauty | Lifestyle

Thursday 21 April 2016

Beauty Reads to Burn Boredom

Hello again! 

Is this title too much? I’d love to hear people’s thoughts because I’m worried I’m sounding too much like an English teacher or an article from Cosmo? Anyway I’ll roll with it and deliberate how I feel! 

As a fashion student and a lover of all things clothing, beauty and general prettiness, I’m always on the lookout for a new read to quench my thirst for a mix of knowledge and a good photo/visual thing (whatever that may be, Alexa Chung, Paris, pizza or lipstick usually does it). In light of this, I thought I might show you a few of my favourite books/magazines that I’ve discovered which give me a bit of inspiration if I’m feeling dull!


Thursday 14 April 2016

My Current Skincare Staples

Hello Hello!

Spring has finally sprung and it's so lovely to have a bit of sunshine and warmth (every now and then) in our lives again, I'm loving it! As I haven't featured a lot of skincare on the blog as a whole, today I wanted to share a few bits of skincare that are my go-to favourites and that I can usually always rely on if my skin needs a pick me up or if I'm feeling stressed! These are all pretty well known products but I've come to love them well, so lets get into it!


Thursday 7 April 2016

Spring Update | Wardrobe Edition

Hello Again!

I've recently been picking up a few little bits here and there in preparation for the - hopefully - warmer upcoming months this spring, so thought it would be a good time to show you in case you're needing a bit of inspiration for a spring wardrobe overhaul!

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