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Thursday 7 April 2016

Spring Update | Wardrobe Edition

Hello Again!

I've recently been picking up a few little bits here and there in preparation for the - hopefully - warmer upcoming months this spring, so thought it would be a good time to show you in case you're needing a bit of inspiration for a spring wardrobe overhaul!

Although these trousers are a slightly biased purchase because I work at Next, I wanted to find some pieces that would be good for uniform but also for those slightly fresher spring days where I don't have to bundle up too much! As you can see I'm also (desperately) trying to inject a bit of colour into my life, albeit not much but its a start, as I wear so much monochrome it's ridiculous! I love the navy and white checked trousers, I've actually worn these a couple of times already because the material is really soft and comfy to wear for a long 8/9 hour shift but the straighter/cigarette style of the trouser makes it a bit different to my usual skinny jean look! And although I don't usually go for navy I think it's a great colour if you're wanting to wear something a bit brighter for spring without straying too much away from the beloved black or grey! You can find the trousers here!

Another recent purchase and something a little different for me is these brown faux leather sandals, I actually found these from the 'teen' section of the store as a lot of the standard adult shoes I tried were really wide and odd fitting on me, so I'd recommend having a look in the kids/teen section of New Look if you're narrow-footed like me!
But I think these are a great little addition because the colour is great for spring if I'm again wanting a change from my endless supply of black shoes, and the small heel means you can dress up an outfit but they're still good for everyday!
Fingers crossed these will be nice and comfortable! The amount of blisters and scars I've collected over the past few years is stupid because I'm apparently a bit crap at finding really nice AND comfy shoes - can there be such a thing? I'd love to find out where! I have high hopes for these babies though. Grab them here.

The last addition to my spring wardrobe update is this pretty, floral sheer shirt that I've found so easy to wear with different outfits! This is great with a pair of jeans and even my new navy/white trousers and it isn't too tight or fitted so perfect for when the weather hopefully warms up some more! These style tops can look so lovely with a maxi skirt, skinny jeans, shorts etc and they're pretty inexpensive too so good for the student budget! Overall I love how easy this is to throw on but it still looks like I've put some thought into my outfit!

Have you made any recent additions to your wardrobe for spring/summer? Let me know in the comments!

Love, Chloé

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