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Thursday 21 April 2016

Beauty Reads to Burn Boredom

Hello again! 

Is this title too much? I’d love to hear people’s thoughts because I’m worried I’m sounding too much like an English teacher or an article from Cosmo? Anyway I’ll roll with it and deliberate how I feel! 

As a fashion student and a lover of all things clothing, beauty and general prettiness, I’m always on the lookout for a new read to quench my thirst for a mix of knowledge and a good photo/visual thing (whatever that may be, Alexa Chung, Paris, pizza or lipstick usually does it). In light of this, I thought I might show you a few of my favourite books/magazines that I’ve discovered which give me a bit of inspiration if I’m feeling dull!

Bobbi Brown - The Makeup Manual:
An old classic but one that I love, I’ve had this book for a few years after receiving it as a christmas present, and I think it really sparked my love for all things makeup, it was really inspiring to read a book created by someone who clearly has so much passion and love for their craft, and even though I’m no makeup artist, I love this book because its created with the ‘everyday’ woman in mind. Although it may have a few tips and techniques some might have never heard of, its generally very easy to understand and follow, meaning you can actually read and use the advice written inside - hallelujah! I also love the imagery and visual aspect of this book, as it shows step-by-step instructions with pictures, to ensure you can follow along easily! Get off youtube and give this a read! 

FleurDeForce - The Glam Guide:
A relatively new(ish) release that came out in 2015, The Glam Guide is written by the lovely Fleur of FleurDeForce, a YouTuber and Blogger who I’ve followed since I was about 17. I watch her videos on YouTube religiously and I love her style and the way she presents herself / her channel! At first when I saw she was releasing a book, I really thought it was going to be just another book released by someone on Youtube.. But this has proven me wrong and I love it for just about any advice or inspiration. With tips from helping you find the right pair of jeans to the best ingredients for a juice or smoothie, this book has it all and does it all really well. 

The visuals are stunning and I really love the whole theme of this book, combining a mix of drawings by hand and photos to illustrate the points nicely. It’s also really helpful to see Top 10 Tips at the back of most of the sections, which round up and summarise sections perfectly, meaning if you need to find something out in a hurry you can do easily!

Blogosphere Magazine:
Something that's pretty new to my collection and the older release of the magazine, this is perfect for those bloggers out there or anyone just looking for something new to read with an interest in blogging! It has loads of information and tips to help grow your website, along with a host of other bloggers to introduce you to, whether you love fashion, beauty or even cooking. 

Plus this issue had an interview with probably my all time favourite blogger in the world, Samantha Maria (Beautycrush), I think she's beautiful, funny, has amazing tattoos and her photography and blog  (and youtube) in general is perfect for outfit inspiration! Definitely give her some love if you haven't seen her before! 

What are your favourite fashion/beauty books to read? Have you read my picks? 

Love, Chlo

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