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Wednesday 21 October 2015

5 Things I Love About Nottingham

There are many things I've come to love about my adopted city of Nottingham, but today I wanted to narrow it down to 5 broad categories, and explain the things I've come to fall in love with whilst living in this fabulous city. 

I've lived here now on and off for around about a year, going home and coming back again in term time for university, and although there's so many amazing things about Nottingham, I wanted to talk about the main things that would probably influence a lot of students and even adults to move to any city generally! The great thing about Nottingham though is that there's so much to do and see - so there's pretty much something for every lifestyle and taste!


Nottingham holds food and clothing markets weekly in the city centre of market square, which in my opinion are the best places to kill time and find little gems of jewellery, food and pieces of clothing for cheap prices! They're also a great way to find local producers and give back to the community you live in, so it's generally a win-win situation!

There was recently a world foods market in Nottingham which was amazing to walk round and look at all the dishes, cakes, bread and other specialities from different countries!

I wish I could be slightly more sophisticated with my reasons for loving Nottingham, but truthfully, one of the biggest reasons I love being here, is the huge choice of restaurants, café's, deli's and just foodie shops in general.

Nottingham has everything - I mean EVERYTHING you could ever want.
Whether you're craving pizza, pasta, sushi, burgers, curries, and anything in between you'll find something. And of course there's everyone's favourite chain restaurants too - Nandos, GBK, Pizza Hut, Five Guys etc etc.

Vegetarian? Vegan? Fussy eater? There s literally something for every taste and it genuinely makes me very happy!There's also a Whetherspoons on pretty much every corner so if you're feeling poor from a night out and need a hangover fix quickly, you're sorted!

A few of my recommendations are definitely Annie's Burger Shack for - obviously - a fantastic burger, the Handmade Cafe for amazing sandwiches, coffee and cakes, Georges for really lovely fish and chips and a personal favourite Bagel Nash, for (you guessed it) fabulous bagels.


Another thing I've found which is a real treasure being on a student budget is the vast amount of vintage and charity shops throughout Nottingham. Don't get me wrong I love Urban Outfitters and Topshop like the next girl, but it's really not sensible for me to be spending £22 on a T-shirt when I need to eat and buy toilet roll (being an adult is really exciting).

As a result of this, I've spent a considerable amount of time frantically searching through charity shops in desperate need of splashing the cash - or not so in many cases!
Some of my favourites are Wild Clothing, Cow, Ark, The White Rose and generally charity shops altogether!


The lace market in Nottingham has kind of become my spiritual home, and one of my favourite places throughout the city! It's a great place to visit if you're bored to just go have a wander, and you'll be sure to find something that interests you, whether its shopping, eating or even going out for a night out!

I'd really recommend anyone to go and explore the area if you haven't been before!
Chock full of vintage shops, quirky bars and amazing gift shops, this place is great if you're wanting to find a real gem in terms of clothes, food or trinkets.


One of the best things I've come to realise when living in Nottingham, is the vast amount of things students can do and benefit from. Whether its discount on restaurants, shops, or nights out!

I'm sure a lot places have student discounts in most cities, but Nottingham is really accommodating to its students, with the majority of shops, cafe's and bars/clubs having some kind of perk or discount to take advantage of, and if you aren't sure - just ask!
Another thing I learned as that students actually make up for 50% of Nottingham's entire population, so I'm sure there's some kind of discount or benefit of being a student that you can find!
It could mean a free meal, 25% discount, or even 2 for 1 drinks at your favourite bar!

Have you been to Nottingham? Do you have a favourite aspect about the city?
Let me know in the comments!




  1. We enjoyed our visit to Ye Olde Trip To Jerusalem. Very quirky pub built in to the side of the hill that the castle sits on, not a single straight wall, good atmosphere and food, especially the sweet potato chips.

    1. I've heard that it's lovely I'd really like to go! Thank you for the recommendation!


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