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Friday 16 October 2015

Dreaming of Doughnuts - The Nottingham Doughnut Company

Recently I discovered a new little gem of a shop in Nottingham, and it's become quite the obsession of mine!

The Nottingham Doughnut Company is something of a mystery in Nottingham - it only launched in the start of October and is tiny store, but always has a queue and closes at a different time each day, as it's simply when they sell out. 
This is something that I find amazing for such a small, relativity unknown business - they don't even have any social media channels, and simply operates as a hashtag on Instagram for those who post about it!

I have to admit I've already been for my doughnut fix about 3 times in this last week alone and they are probably some of the best doughnuts I've had pretty much ever.. 
The price is also another thing that really attracts me, as they're only £2! Which I'm sure you'll agree is really dangerous for a student with not a lot of money but a love of ll things sweet!

Another aspect I love about this place is the ever-changing flavours, the shop rotates each day which doughnuts they make and ultimately serve, making it a different batch of flavours and keeping people coming obviously coming back! 
The Nottingham Mars is a definite favourite of mine already, but I'd also really recommend the cookies and cream too!

Have you been to the Nottingham Doughnut company? What are your thoughts? I'd love to know in the comments!



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