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Sunday 11 October 2015

Autumn Strolls

Today me and my boyfriend - who very kindly snapped some photos for me - went for a little stroll around our local town park where we live in Nottingham, so I thought it would be a perfect time for a more fashion related post!

I'm really trying to manage my time better and I'm hoping I can get more posts up similar to this! It was actually really fun to take a few pictures whilst having a lovely mosey around. 

Jumper - Primark
Jeans - TK Maxx
Faux Leather Jacket - New Look
Boots - Primark
Necklaces - Market Stalls

I also wanted to take a few pictures of these love locks on the bridge we walked on, I think its such a nice but simple idea and a has a lovely sentiment behind it. 

Photography Credit: Daniel Collins


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