Fashion | Beauty | Lifestyle

Thursday 31 March 2016

Four Good Things #1

Hello! Hello!

Happy Thursday! Recently I've been having a slight writer and photography block with the blog, and I'm struggling to find things to write about without sounding repetitive and boring, but today I thought I'd share with you 4 good things that have been making me smile on those days where I feel that little bit blue.


Thursday 24 March 2016

Nottingham Fashion Week

Hello! Hello!

Today is a slightly different post, as I wanted to share something for you Nottingham girls and guys!
Coming in April is a really exciting event taking place; The Style Show Live! 

Taking place on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th of April and hosted by Radio 1 DJ Alice Levine, as part of the Nottingham Fashion Week, the show features Trend Focus events and an exclusive Catwalk featuring looks from this year's latest trends, with a showcase from some of Nottingham Trent's Fashion Design students too! And with over 40 of the city's fashion retailers taking part, there's style inspiration for all tastes and budgets. What's not to love?


Monday 21 March 2016

3 Things We Should All Be Doing More

Hello again!

Today I'm extremely excited because this is the first blog post from my new MacBook Air, a purchase  I made a few days ago and I'm absolutely in love, its beautiful, sleek, light and so nice to use, I pretty much haven't put it down unless to go to work, or sleep.. I can tell its going to be a beautiful romance already! Anyway onto the important stuff, I wanted to chat about a few things we should all try to do more, that I know most people don't do enough of, I'll be honest I'm no saint and I'm guilty of a few of these sins too.


Saturday 12 March 2016

New In | Inglot & Crown

Today I waned to share a couple of bits I bought at the ExCel Beauty Convention I went to in London a few weeks ago, this was a trip with university and was a really busy, exciting place to browse some of the latest 'on trend' product and brand innovations going on in the industry at the mo'! 

Although most of the exhibitions were just salesmen/women wanting to sell their expensive face masks or weird teeth whitening sets, there were actually a few gems that I was so excited to try and so I had to spend a bit of dollar! 
The real stars that bowled me over, and two brands I've wanted to try for YEARS - I mean since I was like 16, were Inglot and Crown Brushes. I treated myself to 5 brushes and a little duo eyeshadow palette and I have to say they are my new babies, I can't stop looking at them, I'm like a swooning mother over her children..


Friday 4 March 2016

February Favourties


So it's another month over! This month has been a really great and crazy one, I can't believe how quick it's gone! February is always fun because it's my birthday month, but I also found out I got a high 2:1 on my first report for second year which has really made my month too!  
I thought today I'd do another favourites post and show some of the things I've loved throughout the last few weeks!

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