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Friday 4 March 2016

February Favourties


So it's another month over! This month has been a really great and crazy one, I can't believe how quick it's gone! February is always fun because it's my birthday month, but I also found out I got a high 2:1 on my first report for second year which has really made my month too!  
I thought today I'd do another favourites post and show some of the things I've loved throughout the last few weeks!

The Amazon Kindle:
I've really gotten back into reading recently as a result of one of my birthday presents, my Kindle. I love this little device as its so light, easy to use and stores thousands of books - the battery life is also amazing I've been reading for the past 2/3 weeks and haven't needed to charge it up! (Handy if you travel or forget to charge things regularly - like me!) Although I do love traditional hard back books, but this is so much easier to travel with and fit in my bag for everyday! You can find one here!

Pandora Essence Bracelet and 'Positivity' Charm:
Again another birthday present, and a piece that really hasn't left my wrist the whole month apart from when I sleep! I totally love how simple and pretty this little bracelet looks, and I think there are so many beautiful charms for this collection, all based on zodiac signs or emotions/traits. The one I have for example is the 'positivity' charm, which is a gorgeous marble effect and I'm so happy with the choice, it goes with everything I wear, but looks so minimalistic and pretty. You can find the bracelet and charm variations on the Pandora Website.

Soap & Glory Brow Archery:
For me, my brows are probably my worst feature, they're really fair and light so it makes it hard to draw well and get a good shape, I've always used power and wax, which I still sometimes revert to, but this product has really been a life saver and saved me so much time and stress!
The pencil is a lovely cool brown colour and the small tip makes it great to draw and get a precise shape, whilst the fine nibbed tint is perfect for getting a darker colour and almost drawing on little strokes to make the pencil more natural. Great colour, affordable and gets the job done, lovely!

Maybelline Dream Lumi Touch Concealer:
More of a recent discovery, this is a product that I've loved using on those days where I don't need a full face of makeup and really helps to brighten up my face, making me look way less tired than I always feel! I usually apply this under my eyes and then around my nose and cheeks to hide redness and give me a bit of a glow! It's also lovely on top of foundation to give a lovely illumination! You can grab it here.

Have you tried anything I've mentioned? What are your favourites from the past month?
Let me know in the comments below!

Love, Chloé

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