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Monday 21 March 2016

3 Things We Should All Be Doing More

Hello again!

Today I'm extremely excited because this is the first blog post from my new MacBook Air, a purchase  I made a few days ago and I'm absolutely in love, its beautiful, sleek, light and so nice to use, I pretty much haven't put it down unless to go to work, or sleep.. I can tell its going to be a beautiful romance already! Anyway onto the important stuff, I wanted to chat about a few things we should all try to do more, that I know most people don't do enough of, I'll be honest I'm no saint and I'm guilty of a few of these sins too.

1. Look Up!
Last week I unfortunately dropped my phone down the toilet - before anything had "happened" just to let you know, and I was totally devastated, I actually felt like my life was going to end, (little bit dramatic, I know) because not only could I not call or text, I pretty much had my life on the phone, through social media, contacts and photos! 
It also meant I couldn't distract myself when out and about or communicate in the way I know best, in short what I'm trying to say is that I couldn't depend on my device for entertainment or information - and although it was stressful at first, it was actually really refreshing to have a 'detox' from my phone most of the day, and I noticed that others around me were constantly living through their devices, never looking at what was around them! It was nice to just see things and look around me properly, instead of through a screen. So, next time you feel like taking a picture of your meal or surroundings, why not just savour the moment with your eyes, and not your screen!

2. Appreciate Those Around You
I've mentioned these kind of things in previous posts, but showing gratitude to the ones around you is so important and something I sometimes forget to do when I'm in a funk or stressed out. These past two weeks for me have been really stressful, dealing with deadlines, a broken phone and sorting out a problem with my job - and my family and boyfriend Dan have both been so supportive in helping me be positive and try to stay on top on things! By saying a thank you or just telling someone you love them can really show you're bothered and appreciative of them being around! Why not just drop your mum a text to tell her you love her? Or go give your best friend a big hug next time you see them!

3. Take A Time Out
This is definitely something I need to do more, as I'm a total worrier and stress-head, everyone who knows me knows I'm ridiculous with worrying about anything and everything, I'm always saying "but what if?" to every situation! It annoys me so I don't know how other people around me must feel! Taking some time to watch your favourite movie, have some retail therapy or even do some colouring (we all love it, don't deny it) is a great way to destress and have a bit of perspective on a situation that's causing you some worry. This is definitely going to be on my 'to-do' list for the next few weeks, to enjoy life and just try to chill!

Are you guilty of any of these things? Will you give these a go? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Love, Chloé

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