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Friday 26 February 2016

10 Things I've Learnt from Living with my Boyfriend

Hello Again!

Now today I wanted to a slightly less serious post and do something a bit different, I thought this list might also come in handy if you were thinking of living with your other half, and hopefully I can prepare you for the positives aaaaaand the negatives.. So here are 10 things I've learnt from living with my darling other half - 

1. Compromise is Key
Starting off with a fairly serious one, which is that it is so important to have compromises when living together - it's important anyway, but when you're in each other space pretty much 24/7 its vital to make sure you're both on the same page with the little and major things. It could be doing each others favourite weekend activity, for me it's pretty much always shopping, but then we get to go to Dan's favourite restaurant for dinner so it's fair!
Another example is that I generally tend to cook meals as I enjoy it and I'm also not bad in the kitchen, whereas the beau Dan prefers to wash up afterwards, meaning we both have an equal share around dinnertime activities, but we also pitch into the thing we prefer to do!

2. Be Prepared for the 'Other' Girlfriend
In my case, this is the Xbox One, a console that has not only taken up plenty of Dan's attention, it is also a detailed topic of conversation pretty much every night - not that I have a huge problem with this, my type in men is probably the 'gamer', of which Dan is massively. But do I really want to know the inner plot story of Destiny, Halo 5, The Binding of Isaac etc on my weekday evening? 
My answer is not really no.. Although this is the case, I do have to admit that the Xbox One is a lifesaver, because every now and then I get to watch my beloved cooking programmes on BBC Iplayer, every cloud has a silver lining eh!

3. Don't be Afraid to Share Everything
I mean EVERYTHING. Living with someone you're already close to can really cement the relationship and push things to a whole new level. Meals, food, washing, dirty underwear (let's not dwell on that one) and of course the bed. I also learnt that I can pretty much never hide anything from him, again. If I have bad breath I'll know about it as soon as I wake up.. The fact I haven't shaved my legs in approximately 13 weeks also seems to be a popular one, and that I generally only shave them if I'm going out, not to make a lasting impression in the bedroom.. Although not having to wear fancy underwear every time you're together is another bonus, sorry mate but the granny pants can now be out in full effect.

4. Farts, All The Farts.

5. Wearing no make up, staying in the same clothes and not washing your hair for 4 days straight becomes something you both accept, don't worry, if it hasn't happened yet honey.. It will, and there's nothing either of you can do about it.

6. Everything Gets Cheaper
Food shopping, bills and utilities are so much easier and cheaper to buy when it's for 2 people, it also saves so much time when cooking, doing the dishes or even your laundry. i always thought it would just double the price of shopping or that we would use too much electricity/water, but I've found that it it is a lot simpler and more efficient doing things for 2!

7. Everyone Will Question the Decision 
I found this with family, friends and previous flatmates, so many people I've told ask me how I do it and what it's like, and for me, I love the experience of getting to be with my best friend (cringey I know) all the time, I feel lucky that me and Dan share so much in common, because it means that we don't find it a chore, it's just a natural step that we knew we could and should take!

8. Mess, always and forever...
You can't control or contain it, you can only tolerate it.

9. When you're cold, you're other half is pretty much guaranteed to have some warm body part, whether that's his back, belly or legs, and it's therefore lovely (and an obligation and the other half) to rest your freezing cold feet there to warm them up, just thank me later.

10. Finally, Just Having Someone There 
When you have a bad day, or need a pick me up is being able to come home to someone you love is probably one of the most relieving and happiest feelings I can think of! 
Dan has pretty much turned into my personal therapist and it's so nice to have a chat and a giggle after a really stressful or anxiety riddled day! It also means that you can always have someone to vent your frustrations to, again another major bonus - although I don't think Dan would agree?

Do you live with your other half? Would you ever consider doing it? I'd love to know your thoughts in the comments!

Love, Chloé

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