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Wednesday 20 July 2016

I Need To Stop Wearing Dungarees

Hello again! Hasn't this week so far been glorious? Although I am seriously warm its so nice to actually have a glimpse of summer, I'm sure it won't last but its nice whilst its here! So because of the weather not being so amazing as of the last few months, (June, you were appalling) I wanted to share my absolute love to these beauties that I've really needed to stop wearing recently. 

Dungarees are one of those trends that come and go every season, but I feel that the past few months they've been everywhere, with different colours, styles, shapes and fits, I think they give a really cute playfulness to an outfit but they're still really easy to wear and so comfortable too! I actually found these black, skinny ones a while ago in New Look and wasn't too sure how I felt at first, but I'm so in love that I probably wear them about twice a week at least. AND bonus they're still online so you can have them, hold them and love them too!

New Look - Link!
River Island - Link!
BAG / 
Kate Spade - See Previous Post!
Michael Kors - OLD (Parker Pave Style!)

These things are ridiculously comfy, probably the comfiest jean-style trousers I own, and they always look really flattering and stylish too, no matter what I pair with them, whether its a floaty shirt like above or just a white tee or when I'm really feeling casual and chilled. I get so many compliments when I wear them too which I don't feel happens a lot with most of the things I wear, people generally don't take the time to compliment others so its a real confidence boost when it happens! 

I've also found that you can easily dress these up or down, I usually wear them with slip ons like above or some patent loafers, but worn with pointed ankle boots and a leather jacket really makes them look a bit more sophisticated, and it's a bit different to just your standard black skinnies! 

Are you a lover of dungarees? What are your favourite style? Let me know in the comments! 

Love, Chloé

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