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Thursday 7 July 2016

Summer Goals

Hello! I can't believe it's already July! I really have no clue where this year is going, we're already half way through 2016!! I feel like we might be finally getting some sunshine so I wanted to share some of my summer goals for the season in the hopes of become more motivated, confident and happy! 

Do More Walking:
So this one is in the hopes of becoming slightly fitter for the summer, and instead of me just saying 'get fitter' which is way too overwhelming for this little potato, I wanted to try and make my goals realistic and achievable. Walking is a really easy way to get fitter and doesn't involve the embarrassment and intimidation of the gym, as a have a treadmill at home (that I've never used) it also means I don't have to wear makeup or make any effort with the appearance - even better!

Eat Cleaner:
Anyone that knows me knows I'm a really picky eater - something I've been trying to improve on, so processed food and shortcuts have definitely been present throughout uni this year and I'd love to just eat fresher, cleaner foods. One thing I'm wanting to try out is to make more dishes from scratch! Whether that's pasta sauces, pesto or sweet potato fries, it's more rewarding and obviously a lot better for you. It also means I can eat as much avocado on toast in the name of health.

Blog At Least Twice a Week:
I'll admit, I'm lazy and can be really unmotivated, meaning my blog has often taken a backseat on my list of priorities. I really want to make my blog professional and something to be proud of that people want to read! I'd love to say that I could blog daily but I just don't think that for me its realistic, so if I can start to blog at least twice a week then I suppose thats a good start and better than nothing. Photography also comes into this and I'm really trying to learn as much as I can about my camera, to get the best out of my pictures, and tips would be really appreciated!

Get My Legs Out More:
Probably not for the faint of heart, but I hate my legs because they're pasty, white and just not pretty. I hate the feeling of being self conscious and I'd love to whip the pins out when the sun's out, without having to worry about whether they're shaved or tanned (first world problems I suppose).

I'd love to know if you have any goals for this summer! What's on your list of priorities? Let me know in the comments! 

Love, Chloé


  1. I have been eating vegan. It's making me feel so much better! Avacado on toast with tomatoes rock! Xx

  2. I'd love to give that a go but I love cheese so much! I'm trying to eat more veggie meals and I'm really enjoying that! xx


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