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Tuesday 26 July 2016

Four Good Things #2

Hello hello! Happy Tuesday! Recently I feel the world has been really up and down with everything that's been going on, terror attacks, heatwaves and Pokemon catching alike! So I wanted to fill you in about a few good things that have been happening throughout my week in the hope of spreading a bit of happiness!
ONE / Summer is finally here!! (maybe?) The weather we've been having lately has been amazing, I feel like I could have been somewhere in the med, chilling with a pina colada and relaxing in the sun - but alas I was in Sheffield, in my back garden sweating like a mofo, with my little milk bottle legs hating me for putting them in the sun.. It was fun while it lasted eh?

TWO / I'm moving house this weekend! I'm seriously excited to move in to a little two bed apartment in Nottingham with the man, it'll be a lovely change after living with around 6 housemates for nearly two years at uni, we really need some proper living space just the both of us, it'll be a welcome change I expect! I know some people could think its a little quick or early to start living together (at 20 no less), but we've lived together with other people for nearly a year and really enjoyed it so I suppose this is the next step! Check out 10 things I've learnt from living with Dan if you want to know more!

THREE / Pokemon Go is taking OVER MY LIFE. Today I went into the city for a 'shopping trip', (no, not true at all). I actually went to catch Pokemon and top up on Pokeballs at the different stops.. I'm a weak and addicted woman I know but I love it - if you have you have no clue what I'm on about, it's basically an app in which you walk around your region on the hunt to catch Pokemon and it's amazing, go get it! You will not regret it, even my mum has it!!

FOUR / I've been totally obsessed with the NYX Soft Matte Lip Creams as of late, it's seriously so dangerous having NYX in the Boots next to where I work because I visit the counter like 3 times a week.. I cannot stop wearing them or buying more shades. I recently acquired Cannes and Rome which are both beautiful and I can't wait to get my hands on more, super easy to wear, creamy but still a matte finish so perfect if you don't like really dry matte formulas like me! If you see any Instagram of me recently, it's highly likely I'm wearing one of these!

What's new with you? Let me know in the comments!

Love, Chloé

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