Lazy Daisy

Fashion | Beauty | Lifestyle

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Favourites / July

Hello! Another month gone and we're already into our eighth one of the year, (!!) where is this year going its crazy! I haven't actually done a good ol' favourites in a while so here is the lowdown on a few bits I'm enjoying as of late.


Tuesday 2 August 2016

First Impressions; Makeup, Nails & Tools

Hello! Happy August! Here's to a great month - with hopefully a bit of sunshine along the way.
I recently had a little mosey round Boots which ended up in a mini haul of bits that I've been interested in trying recently, so I wanted to have a round of my impressions upon using these and let you know my thoughts!


Tuesday 26 July 2016

Four Good Things #2

Hello hello! Happy Tuesday! Recently I feel the world has been really up and down with everything that's been going on, terror attacks, heatwaves and Pokemon catching alike! So I wanted to fill you in about a few good things that have been happening throughout my week in the hope of spreading a bit of happiness!

Wednesday 20 July 2016

I Need To Stop Wearing Dungarees

Hello again! Hasn't this week so far been glorious? Although I am seriously warm its so nice to actually have a glimpse of summer, I'm sure it won't last but its nice whilst its here! So because of the weather not being so amazing as of the last few months, (June, you were appalling) I wanted to share my absolute love to these beauties that I've really needed to stop wearing recently. 


Monday 18 July 2016

The Lust List #1

Hello! So I'm sure like me, you're generally always on the lookout for new stuff, and whether it's because of the ever-imminent pay day or a special occasion, there's nothing much better than getting something shiny and new! I fancied sharing a few of the bits and bobs that I've been after and that have been catching my eye.. I hope the boyf and my mumma are taking notes!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Kate Spade / Brand Focus

Hello! Now as a student, I'm not really one for popping to Chanel or YSL to get a new handbag or pair of shoes, but I am a total lover (from afar unfortunately) of designer clothes, shoes and handbags and I think its such an amazing feeling getting something designer you've been after for ages! 
For me, one of the best mid-range desniger brands has to be Kate Spade, it's luxurious and aspirational, but still an achievable price point if you're looking for something a bit more special than the high street stores.

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