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Tuesday 2 February 2016

5 Ways To Find Inspiration

So I have quite a bit of apologising to do as I haven't written a blog post since November! NOVEMBER! I'm mortified and I'm sorry please don't hate me can we move on? Yes?

Aside from me being a very bad blogger and not getting the year off to a good start, I honestly can't believe the first month of 2016 has already gone and for me, it's been a stressful, busy mess of working and deadlines. So I decided it would be a 'trial' month and I'm back feeling inspired and motivated to become better than ever here on Lazy Daisy! 
With that in mind, I wanted to share with you a few tips and hints I've learnt as a uni student to becoming inspired, especially in those days where you just want to curl up in a ball and nap - trust me it happens to me at least 8 times a day!

1. Reading 
Although this is something I wish I could do more, a good book, magazine or even blog online can really help to make you feel motivated and inspired to keep on keeping on, in those times of tiredness or if you're having a mental 'block'. A few of my favourite bloggers are Estee Lalonde, Samantha Maria, What Olivia Did (Olivia), FashionToast, Kate La Vie and Hello October (Suzie)!
It's also a great way to help spark off ideas if you're struggling to feel creative, whether it's in the kitchen, blog writing or even for your latest uni assignment, there's no harm in looking to others to help find ideas and inspiration! 

2. Pinterest
My love, my life, and my joy. 
I was actually introduced to this in my first week of university and its become my one true source for all things pretty, colourful and of course inspirational! If you're looking for a recipe for the best brownies you'll ever make, ways to wear leopard print or even (probably my personal favourite) ideas for your next tattoo/piercing - then you are definitely in the right place. 
It's also an amazing place to find credible images and their sources for university assignments really easily, versus the sketchy images you might find on Google! You can view my Pinterest profile and all my boards here.

 3. Keeping a Daily Schedule / Dairy
This is something that I set as a goal for 2016, and I love the accomplishment of writing to-do lists or ticking off each day knowing I've done something productive. Even if it's just 'get out of bed' or 'make my 9am on time'. The little things can sometimes be the most rewarding! It's also one of the best ways of looking like you've got your shizzz together even if you're drowning in work/food/life!

4. Enjoy What You Do
Something I think is so important no matter what, whether its school, uni, work or even hobbies! By doing something that genuinely interests you or that you have a passion for, can mean you're much less bored, tired or even uninspired when doing it!
Now, obviously it can't be said for everything, I'm sure not all of us are lucky enough to love our jobs etc - sometimes working in retail for me is total hell - but I think embracing the good parts of it and just trying to enjoy the bigger picture can be so much better for you! There are times when I totally hate my job or my uni course, if I'm having a bad day or things keep going wrong, but then at the end of the week I look back and see that I have really enjoyed myself! Try to just immerse yourself in whatever you're doing and you'll find yourself stating to enjoy it much more!

5. Surround Yourself With Positive People
The last and probably the most important thing - especially for me - is to be surrounded by people who bring the best out in you, whether that's colleagues, friends, family or relationships. I feel really lucky saying that I have a fantastic support system around me, I'm really close with my parents and my boyfriend is probably my bestest friend, and it's one of the nicest things to home after a long stressful day to have a chat and be relaxed by positive, happy people!
I can tell my parents and boyfriend absolutely anything, from what I had to eat for lunch to a horrible situation at work, and I think it can really help you if you just sit and chat to loved ones, whether it's something serious or just the little things that occurred in your day! I also live for the pep talks my mum gives me, (anyone else?) when I'm feeling down, worried or just bored with uni work, she'll give me a talking to and I'm ready to face things again!

Do you have any other suggestions about what get's you inspired? I'd love to here your thoughts in the comments below!

Love, Chloé

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