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Friday 19 February 2016

Birthday Celebrations and Living Life Happier

Hello Again!

So last weekend (Saturday the 13th) was my 20th birthday! My day was filled with pancakes, chocolate, Mexican food and alcohol (although not too much of the latter!). I had such a lovely day lunching and drinking cocktails with my girlfriends and then had a KFC for dinner, not a bad way to end the day in my opinion. 
I'll admit I was spoilt rotten - a leather jacket from my parents being my star gift - and generally had a relaxing, fun day, full of laughs! 

I wanted to do a little recap, or look back at some of the things I've learnt in my 20 years, and give you some tips on life! Although to be honest I have to say, I don't have my shizzzzz together very often, so some of these things I should probably be doing more often!

Stop Stressing:
Now I am really bad at this one and really need to start living life to the fullest and just chill out a bit more, but no, my eye liner goes wrong in the morning or I burn my toast and I pretty much cry about it - which in hindsight is silly and I need to get my bloody priorities straight! Anyway, by just seeing the bright side of things can really make a difference in how you approach a situation, and is a really easy way to live life a bit happier!
Something that I've been trying to do more is just sit back and think if that situation will affect me in a week? A month? Even a year? And you'll soon see that there are much bigger things to think about!

Buy the Goddam Shoes:
Again, this is something I've been trying to work at, which is to stick with your decisions and be happy with the outcome! If you want that new lipstick, a killer pair of heels or even a nice meal out - go for it! Just do things that make you happy, whether its a spur of the moment thing with your friends or a thought out purchase you've been itching to get, there's nothing better than treating yourself when you deserve it!
This is a great way to think not only with shopping or money, but with friends and family too, if you say or do something that makes you feel guilty, think about why you're feeling that way? Is it just because you'll hurt someone's feelings? Or are you just worried about what other people will think about you? Ultimately you have to think of yourself and if your actions will be benefit you
in the long run!

Its All About Balance:
This philosophy is something that I love and think it's a great way to succeed in work, health and even relationships! Sometimes you just need a break or some time to chill out from a stressful day, and there's nothing wrong or bad about having a relaxing day watching Netflix (I do this way too often) eating that burger you're craving or even having some drinks with friends!

 Life is all about balancing the things that you might need to do, such as that uni report, eating more greens ( I don't want to though!) or going to the gym (something I'm still writing in my diary as a goal..), and having fun with the things you want to do!
Don't feel bad about going home from the library early to eat some chocolate every now and again, depriving yourself of the things you enjoy can only lead to disaster down the line, and could easily result in a pizza filled duvet day, making you feel even worse! I'm not saying a duvet day is a bad thing, just that if you're stressed about work it might not help..

Love, Chloé


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