Fashion | Beauty | Lifestyle

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Favourites / July

Hello! Another month gone and we're already into our eighth one of the year, (!!) where is this year going its crazy! I haven't actually done a good ol' favourites in a while so here is the lowdown on a few bits I'm enjoying as of late.


Tuesday 2 August 2016

First Impressions; Makeup, Nails & Tools

Hello! Happy August! Here's to a great month - with hopefully a bit of sunshine along the way.
I recently had a little mosey round Boots which ended up in a mini haul of bits that I've been interested in trying recently, so I wanted to have a round of my impressions upon using these and let you know my thoughts!


Tuesday 26 July 2016

Four Good Things #2

Hello hello! Happy Tuesday! Recently I feel the world has been really up and down with everything that's been going on, terror attacks, heatwaves and Pokemon catching alike! So I wanted to fill you in about a few good things that have been happening throughout my week in the hope of spreading a bit of happiness!

Wednesday 20 July 2016

I Need To Stop Wearing Dungarees

Hello again! Hasn't this week so far been glorious? Although I am seriously warm its so nice to actually have a glimpse of summer, I'm sure it won't last but its nice whilst its here! So because of the weather not being so amazing as of the last few months, (June, you were appalling) I wanted to share my absolute love to these beauties that I've really needed to stop wearing recently. 


Monday 18 July 2016

The Lust List #1

Hello! So I'm sure like me, you're generally always on the lookout for new stuff, and whether it's because of the ever-imminent pay day or a special occasion, there's nothing much better than getting something shiny and new! I fancied sharing a few of the bits and bobs that I've been after and that have been catching my eye.. I hope the boyf and my mumma are taking notes!

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Kate Spade / Brand Focus

Hello! Now as a student, I'm not really one for popping to Chanel or YSL to get a new handbag or pair of shoes, but I am a total lover (from afar unfortunately) of designer clothes, shoes and handbags and I think its such an amazing feeling getting something designer you've been after for ages! 
For me, one of the best mid-range desniger brands has to be Kate Spade, it's luxurious and aspirational, but still an achievable price point if you're looking for something a bit more special than the high street stores.


Thursday 7 July 2016

Summer Goals

Hello! I can't believe it's already July! I really have no clue where this year is going, we're already half way through 2016!! I feel like we might be finally getting some sunshine so I wanted to share some of my summer goals for the season in the hopes of become more motivated, confident and happy! 


Friday 13 May 2016

First Impressions: New Balance & New Lipstick

Hello Again!

Its been a while since my last post and all I can say is it’s been a busy, stressful few weeks full of work and a lack of blogging inspiration which is annoying! Nonetheless, here I am writing today and it’s a first impressions post, something I personally love writing and watching myself!


Thursday 21 April 2016

Beauty Reads to Burn Boredom

Hello again! 

Is this title too much? I’d love to hear people’s thoughts because I’m worried I’m sounding too much like an English teacher or an article from Cosmo? Anyway I’ll roll with it and deliberate how I feel! 

As a fashion student and a lover of all things clothing, beauty and general prettiness, I’m always on the lookout for a new read to quench my thirst for a mix of knowledge and a good photo/visual thing (whatever that may be, Alexa Chung, Paris, pizza or lipstick usually does it). In light of this, I thought I might show you a few of my favourite books/magazines that I’ve discovered which give me a bit of inspiration if I’m feeling dull!


Thursday 14 April 2016

My Current Skincare Staples

Hello Hello!

Spring has finally sprung and it's so lovely to have a bit of sunshine and warmth (every now and then) in our lives again, I'm loving it! As I haven't featured a lot of skincare on the blog as a whole, today I wanted to share a few bits of skincare that are my go-to favourites and that I can usually always rely on if my skin needs a pick me up or if I'm feeling stressed! These are all pretty well known products but I've come to love them well, so lets get into it!


Thursday 7 April 2016

Spring Update | Wardrobe Edition

Hello Again!

I've recently been picking up a few little bits here and there in preparation for the - hopefully - warmer upcoming months this spring, so thought it would be a good time to show you in case you're needing a bit of inspiration for a spring wardrobe overhaul!


Thursday 31 March 2016

Four Good Things #1

Hello! Hello!

Happy Thursday! Recently I've been having a slight writer and photography block with the blog, and I'm struggling to find things to write about without sounding repetitive and boring, but today I thought I'd share with you 4 good things that have been making me smile on those days where I feel that little bit blue.


Thursday 24 March 2016

Nottingham Fashion Week

Hello! Hello!

Today is a slightly different post, as I wanted to share something for you Nottingham girls and guys!
Coming in April is a really exciting event taking place; The Style Show Live! 

Taking place on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th of April and hosted by Radio 1 DJ Alice Levine, as part of the Nottingham Fashion Week, the show features Trend Focus events and an exclusive Catwalk featuring looks from this year's latest trends, with a showcase from some of Nottingham Trent's Fashion Design students too! And with over 40 of the city's fashion retailers taking part, there's style inspiration for all tastes and budgets. What's not to love?


Monday 21 March 2016

3 Things We Should All Be Doing More

Hello again!

Today I'm extremely excited because this is the first blog post from my new MacBook Air, a purchase  I made a few days ago and I'm absolutely in love, its beautiful, sleek, light and so nice to use, I pretty much haven't put it down unless to go to work, or sleep.. I can tell its going to be a beautiful romance already! Anyway onto the important stuff, I wanted to chat about a few things we should all try to do more, that I know most people don't do enough of, I'll be honest I'm no saint and I'm guilty of a few of these sins too.


Saturday 12 March 2016

New In | Inglot & Crown

Today I waned to share a couple of bits I bought at the ExCel Beauty Convention I went to in London a few weeks ago, this was a trip with university and was a really busy, exciting place to browse some of the latest 'on trend' product and brand innovations going on in the industry at the mo'! 

Although most of the exhibitions were just salesmen/women wanting to sell their expensive face masks or weird teeth whitening sets, there were actually a few gems that I was so excited to try and so I had to spend a bit of dollar! 
The real stars that bowled me over, and two brands I've wanted to try for YEARS - I mean since I was like 16, were Inglot and Crown Brushes. I treated myself to 5 brushes and a little duo eyeshadow palette and I have to say they are my new babies, I can't stop looking at them, I'm like a swooning mother over her children..


Friday 4 March 2016

February Favourties


So it's another month over! This month has been a really great and crazy one, I can't believe how quick it's gone! February is always fun because it's my birthday month, but I also found out I got a high 2:1 on my first report for second year which has really made my month too!  
I thought today I'd do another favourites post and show some of the things I've loved throughout the last few weeks!


Friday 26 February 2016

10 Things I've Learnt from Living with my Boyfriend

Hello Again!

Now today I wanted to a slightly less serious post and do something a bit different, I thought this list might also come in handy if you were thinking of living with your other half, and hopefully I can prepare you for the positives aaaaaand the negatives.. So here are 10 things I've learnt from living with my darling other half - 


Wednesday 24 February 2016

My Favourite Highstreet Nail Brands


Now one of my many beauty related obsessions has to be nail polish, I'm a bit of a crazed hoarder and have a giant bag filled with the stuff in my wardrobe, I know I don't need it but I sill love to buy it!
Because of this it means I've had plenty of time to trail, test and pick out my favourite brands from the beloved highstreet, so I thought I would share them with you today and explain why they're so good!


Friday 19 February 2016

Birthday Celebrations and Living Life Happier

Hello Again!

So last weekend (Saturday the 13th) was my 20th birthday! My day was filled with pancakes, chocolate, Mexican food and alcohol (although not too much of the latter!). I had such a lovely day lunching and drinking cocktails with my girlfriends and then had a KFC for dinner, not a bad way to end the day in my opinion. 
I'll admit I was spoilt rotten - a leather jacket from my parents being my star gift - and generally had a relaxing, fun day, full of laughs! 

I wanted to do a little recap, or look back at some of the things I've learnt in my 20 years, and give you some tips on life! Although to be honest I have to say, I don't have my shizzzzz together very often, so some of these things I should probably be doing more often!


Thursday 11 February 2016

Green With (Velvet) Envy

Jumper - Primark 
Leather Jacket - New Look
Trousers - Topshop
Loafers - Zara


I've recently been obsessing over these green velvet trousers and thought they needed a feature on the blog! I bought these in the Topshop Christmas sale as I needed to kill some time before work and I just fell in love, the fact that they ended up being green and my size was clearly a stroke of fate too! 

I love the slight cigarette cut of these which keeps them looking fairly smart for things like work, or going out for drinks, but they're so soft and comfy because of the velvet! I also think this colour is great with red/orange/pink (whatever my hair colour is at the moment) hair, so anything dark green I can find I'm desperate to get my mitts on!

I'd love to know if you have anything like these trousers? Are you a lover or hater of velvet?
Let me know in the comments!

Love, Chloé

Tuesday 9 February 2016

My Favourite Liquid Lipsticks

Hello you!
Today's post is about something that has become one of the biggest and most sought after trends throughout the last year, and that's of course; the liquid lipstick! 
I absolutely love the concept on paper of these products, a high pigment colour, that's long lasting and doesn't come off whilst eating, drinking, smiling, kissing, you catch my drift. But there's one problem... They make your lips dryer than the Sahara desert and there isn't anything you're gonna be able to do honey, let me tell you. This is a problem I've suffered from with pretty much every liquid lipstick I've tried, most of them are drying, thick and just crack my lips within about 10 minutes. 

In light of this, I have managed to find a few formulations that work amazingly and still give you the longevity of the much loved liquid lipsticks! Meet the Rimmel Apocalips and L'Oreal Glam Shine Stain Splash! (bit of a mouthful I know..). 

Now although the L'oreal offerings aren't a matte cream like most traditional liquid lipsticks, they are really soft, glossy and shiny but stay opaque and actually keep your lips moisturised! I love these for when I'm wanting some colour but still want my lips to be soft and glossy, and the colours are amazing for everyday. One thing I've also noticed with these babies is that once they dry slightly, they do not budge! You can drink, eat and kiss your other half without it going all sticky like traditional lipglosses might! I'd definitely recommend picking up some of these the next time you're looking for a more moisturising liquid lipstick!

 Shades L-R: Princess, Lolita & Juliet

Rimmel Apocalips:
These lipsticks have been out for a number of years and were one of the first high street, I hadn't used these much before the last year or so, and now I'm really regretting it! These are soft, super pigmented and have such a great colour payoff - although they can be a little drying after a few hours, but they only need another application to bring them back to life!

I actually wore this on Christmas Day and it stayed on the whole day, even throughout dinner and desert! Plus this colour - Big Bang - is the perfect pillar box red and one of my favourite colours I have in my makeup bag!

Now although I've seen these on the boots website, I haven't actually seen them in stores recently, so I did a bit of digging and it seems like these may have been discontinued, or least in the process of being phased out of stores, which makes me really sad and annoyed, but anyway, apparently these are still online so if you feel like treating yourselves to something fabulous then these are a great choice! They'd even be a perfect valentines present if your other half still needs to find something!
(nudge nudge).

 Have you tried either of these lipsticks? What are your favourite liquid lipsticks?
I'd love to know in the comments!

Love, Chloé

Thursday 4 February 2016

January Favourites

So today I wanted to write my first favourites post of the year, showing you some of the things I've been loving in the past month! The days are flying by and I still can't believe it's already February! Someone tell me where the time is going please?

Bobbi Brown Gel Liner:
I think if I could have a desert island product that I could take anywhere, that is my ultimate total holy grail product of my life so far - it might be this. Bobbi Brown is my queen and I love that woman for creating probably one of the best eye-liners I've ever used. This badboy is called long-wearing for a reason! My favourite is the classic Black Ink, its rich, creamy, can be smudged and smokey or even manipulated to get the prefect wing, but dries quickly and stays ALL. DAY. No joke by the end of the night this is still perfect, and I've been in the shower before with this and it hasn't come off, please go and buy this product. It's magical. I'll stop now. You can buy it online here!

MAC Fanfare:
Another holy grail product that has a really special place in my heart, I actually bought this lipstick when I visited New York, and it's become a staple in my everyday makeup bag! Think the perfect 'your lips but better' shade, but then better than that. Its a beautiful nude pink with a slight peachy undertone to it, I love the creamsheen formula too which makes it moisturising and slightly glossy, but that still stays on your lips for a good 3-4 hours or so! Find it here.

Olympea Perfume:
So I've actually lost my lid for this perfume, but let's just ignore that shall we?
This was a perfume I got for Christmas from my mum that I hadn't even smelt before - risky I know - but I was so amazed by this! What I've found too is that I receive so many compliments when wearing it, something that I haven't noticed much with other perfumes I've worn in the past.
It's main notes comprise of Green Mandarin, Ginger Lily and Jasmine, with base notes as Vanilla and Sandalwood. Now let's be real, I know nothing about perfumes and I cannot describe scents very well, so all I would say is go and smell this beauty because you won't be disappointed! Although if you were looking for a more solid and descriptive review here is a great one!

Origins Night - A - Mins Moisturiser:
Another present I received from Christmas that I just haven't stopped using! This 'mineral-enriched renewal cream' is super rich, think and hydrating - but without being heavy. It contains Vitamins C, E and H, with a combination of minerals and moisture replenishers. For a while I've suffered from really dry skin, especially this time of year, so this cream has been a total lifesaver in making my skin really soft and healthy without making it feel greasy.

Zara Buckle Loafers:
I have to say, I've developed a real talent in finding great buys for cheap prices, and these Zara beauties I found under a table without any tags, looking very sad and desperate for a home, and at only £20 I was very obliging. So I took it upon myself to add them to my growing shoe family, and literally haven't worn anything else since late December - even my boyfriend noticed I'd been wearing them a lot! Even though I've developed a unhealthy obsession with these babies, I just have to wear them every day! They're comfortable, easy to wear and pretty much go with anything I own, so why they hell not? Looking for similar? Find some here and here!

What have you been loving in the past month? I'd love to find out in the comments!

Love, Chloé

Tuesday 2 February 2016

5 Ways To Find Inspiration

So I have quite a bit of apologising to do as I haven't written a blog post since November! NOVEMBER! I'm mortified and I'm sorry please don't hate me can we move on? Yes?

Aside from me being a very bad blogger and not getting the year off to a good start, I honestly can't believe the first month of 2016 has already gone and for me, it's been a stressful, busy mess of working and deadlines. So I decided it would be a 'trial' month and I'm back feeling inspired and motivated to become better than ever here on Lazy Daisy! 
With that in mind, I wanted to share with you a few tips and hints I've learnt as a uni student to becoming inspired, especially in those days where you just want to curl up in a ball and nap - trust me it happens to me at least 8 times a day!

1. Reading 
Although this is something I wish I could do more, a good book, magazine or even blog online can really help to make you feel motivated and inspired to keep on keeping on, in those times of tiredness or if you're having a mental 'block'. A few of my favourite bloggers are Estee Lalonde, Samantha Maria, What Olivia Did (Olivia), FashionToast, Kate La Vie and Hello October (Suzie)!
It's also a great way to help spark off ideas if you're struggling to feel creative, whether it's in the kitchen, blog writing or even for your latest uni assignment, there's no harm in looking to others to help find ideas and inspiration! 

2. Pinterest
My love, my life, and my joy. 
I was actually introduced to this in my first week of university and its become my one true source for all things pretty, colourful and of course inspirational! If you're looking for a recipe for the best brownies you'll ever make, ways to wear leopard print or even (probably my personal favourite) ideas for your next tattoo/piercing - then you are definitely in the right place. 
It's also an amazing place to find credible images and their sources for university assignments really easily, versus the sketchy images you might find on Google! You can view my Pinterest profile and all my boards here.

 3. Keeping a Daily Schedule / Dairy
This is something that I set as a goal for 2016, and I love the accomplishment of writing to-do lists or ticking off each day knowing I've done something productive. Even if it's just 'get out of bed' or 'make my 9am on time'. The little things can sometimes be the most rewarding! It's also one of the best ways of looking like you've got your shizzz together even if you're drowning in work/food/life!

4. Enjoy What You Do
Something I think is so important no matter what, whether its school, uni, work or even hobbies! By doing something that genuinely interests you or that you have a passion for, can mean you're much less bored, tired or even uninspired when doing it!
Now, obviously it can't be said for everything, I'm sure not all of us are lucky enough to love our jobs etc - sometimes working in retail for me is total hell - but I think embracing the good parts of it and just trying to enjoy the bigger picture can be so much better for you! There are times when I totally hate my job or my uni course, if I'm having a bad day or things keep going wrong, but then at the end of the week I look back and see that I have really enjoyed myself! Try to just immerse yourself in whatever you're doing and you'll find yourself stating to enjoy it much more!

5. Surround Yourself With Positive People
The last and probably the most important thing - especially for me - is to be surrounded by people who bring the best out in you, whether that's colleagues, friends, family or relationships. I feel really lucky saying that I have a fantastic support system around me, I'm really close with my parents and my boyfriend is probably my bestest friend, and it's one of the nicest things to home after a long stressful day to have a chat and be relaxed by positive, happy people!
I can tell my parents and boyfriend absolutely anything, from what I had to eat for lunch to a horrible situation at work, and I think it can really help you if you just sit and chat to loved ones, whether it's something serious or just the little things that occurred in your day! I also live for the pep talks my mum gives me, (anyone else?) when I'm feeling down, worried or just bored with uni work, she'll give me a talking to and I'm ready to face things again!

Do you have any other suggestions about what get's you inspired? I'd love to here your thoughts in the comments below!

Love, Chloé
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